Friday, November 12, 2010

South Carolina bound

So I am guessing this blogging thing is just not for me.  I don't seem to update near as often as I should - sorry!  But I do have a bit of an excuse.  Jody and the AHA have amicably parted ways which means all of the crew - the girls, the dog, the cat, Jody and I and Greg will be packing up and moving to South Carolina at the end of the month.

We are both incredibly excited and sad at the move.  On one hand, my girls will be close to their Nonnie who adores them and lives too far away to visit often.  In addition we will finally be able to buy a house (with help from my mom) which is something we will NEVER be able to do in New Jersey.  There is also the warm weather to talk about - which for those of you who know me, you know I am really excited for that.

Unfortunately, we are leaving behind a great group of friends and family in NJ and NY.  I loved Chloe growing us so close to so many cousins.  I grew up next door to two of my cousins and I at times felt more like a big sister to them than a cousin. Not being close to their Mom-mom, Pop-pop and Gah will be tough - more so for Chloe than for Belle.  Chloe already asks us about where Uncle Pat is since he moved out to California - not looking forward to the questions about these ones.  I am also soo sad to leave behind one of my favorite people in the whole wide world - Alana.  When they moved to NJ so many years ago, I was heartbroken only to find out that we moved half an hour away from them by chance when we came up here.  Now we are moving away from them and I will only get to see her grow up via phone calls and the internet and the occasional visit (hint hint Awilda!) Worst of all, is that I think Alana is one of Chloe's favorite people in the whole wide world too and I am sad that she is not going to get to be that for Belle.

But such is life and we are busy in packing mode in the Thompson household.  I have been packing a few boxes everyday until we found out the decision on Jody's job so it should not be too bad.  We have a gigantic yard sale planned for next weekend.  Chloe was even a great help and sorted her toys - to keep and to sell.  Granted, we had to bribe her with the money from her stuff that sells to buy a Rapunzel doll.  But hey - 80+ toys go, one comes back - I like that kind of math!

Ok so now the updates that you guys really care about :)

Chloe - she has been really busy with school, dance class and hanging out with her best bud Becca. She went trick or treating - this was the first year that I think she really "got" it.  I don't have the professional pics from Halloween because Jody's work printer had the scanner LOL.  But below is a pic or two from her Halloween party at school.

Chloe insisted that her little sister be the same thing as here (despite the adorable ghost onesie we had already bought) so despite my protests that it was cruel and unusual punishment Belle went as . . . Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  It was adorable and everyone loved it so I guess it is ok . . . .

Chloe has also decided that since we aren't providing her with a little brother any time soon that Greg is her big brother.  I have to say it is fairly adorable when she talks about him.  She asks for her big brother to read to her at bedtime and wants to know where he is when he is at work.  Leaving the mall the other day, as Greg got into my dad's car and we loaded up the girls into ours, Chloe, realizing Greg wasn't riding with us, stands up and calls over the cars "I love you my big brother!"

Chloe has been doing fairly good about the move.  The first thing she got sad about the other day was that her teacher from pre-school wasn't going to be there.  Figures that is what she gets upset about - my little teacher's pet! That is about it for Miss Chloe.

Belle is getting sooo big!  She babbles and squeals constantly and is amazed by her big sister.  She has rolled over but refuses to do it again - kind of like she did it, didn't find it very interesting so she won't bother with it again LOL.  She is like any baby and LOVES her feet.  She is so good and happy, it really makes my life much easier than it probably should be with two kids under 4 :).  Even now, she is cutting teeth and has a yucky cold and cough but doesn't fuss unless her diaper is dirty.  Will keep you updated as she hits those next firsts.

Oh well that is all for now - gotta get Chloe ready for school and much more packing to do!

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