Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of School

Chloe outside school
So it was a successful day with not a single tear shed by either Chloe, Mommy or Momma!  Chloe arrived at school early with her Jessie backpack and proceeded to make friends with Michael and Jolene.  After numerous pictures later, her teachers arrived and Chloe started to walk into class. Michael proceeded to cry and my little charmer asked Michael if he would hold her hand and walk in with her.  Michael (clearly a genius if he already recognizing what a catch our Chloe is LOL) says ok, grabs her hand, says goodbye to his mom and heads in.  Chloe gets her nametag and a hug from her teacher Mrs Eggert and is directed to a table to play with playdoh.  Michael is directed to the same table but a seat away from Chloe, crying commences until Michael is moved next to Chloe.

The other children continue to look at their parents for re-assurances that all is ok but my girl could care less about Jody and I since she has toys and a new friend.  When the teachers usher us out with the spelling of the word L-E-A-V-E, many tears commence but again, we get not so much as a second look!

We head out to the car, drive home and watch the clock anxiously until it is time to head back out to pick her up.  After arriving half an hour early (oops!), we follow the other parents into the hallway and wait our turn to tell our child's name to the teacher.  Chloe greets us with a gigantic smile and hands us her picture of a "sun" that has the words "My First School Picture" across the top.  Then she tells us about her day of playing dress up, in the kitchen and with new friends.  We arrive home and it is naptime!

I look through her backpack for any instructions or notes in her folder and am immediately hit with Chloe's first school fundraiser.  It is official - my kid is in school, fundraisers and all!

Enjoy the pics!

Chloe under her classroom sign with her apple above her

Chloe's buddy Michael is sitting next to her playing with play-doh

Momma with Chloe outside the Yellow Room 

Had to add one of Belle who just wanted to go home LOL 

1 comment:

  1. Belle doesn't look as excited about school as Chloe. Glad to hear the first day went well!
