Friday, September 17, 2010

The Zoo and Aidan comes to visit

So it will probably be a few days between posts.  Dear friends from Florida have come up to visit with Chloe's first boyfriend Aidan.

Since the last post, Chloe has had her first visit to the Turtleback Zoo (any friends or family in the NJ/NY area should definitely check it out - it ROCKS!).   Train rides, llamas, pony rides and a bird aviary made for a fun afternoon with her buddy Emily from dance class.  The bird aviary was def. my favorite as we  got Popsicle sticks with bird seed on them and parakeets would sit on our hands and sticks to get to the seeds. Chloe, however, was not a fan!

Mommy trying to show Chloe how not to be scared!

Then the fun began as Aidan, Mel and Christie arrived in NJ for their annual friendly visit.  A calm Thursday (minus an hour of craziness as Aidan, Chloe and Rebecca played together!) was spent at home recovering from the travel and then it was off to the farm for unlimited pony rides, hay pyramids, corn kingdoms and tractor rides.  Time to show those city folk how us country folk roll - LOL!!!

Chloe and Aidan conquer the hay pyramid!

Chloe and Aidan on their wagon rides pulled by a tractor around the farm

Chloe LOVED the moon bounce!

After the farm and quick naps, the kids went on a walk looking for acorns, deer and lightning bugs (1 out of 3 - not so good but they enjoyed it!)

That is about all for now . . .dance class, another trip to the zoo and something else (not sure what yet) are still in the works for the Llera-Cohn family heads back to South Florida so I will probably catch up with you all in a few days!!  Oh and just so you don't think she has been forgotten - Miss Belle has done her usual and slept through all of our adventures :) Have a great couple of days and much love to all!!

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