Friday, September 10, 2010

Pirates, Zhu-Zhus & Animals Oh My!

Today was a crazy busy day.  Had to drop off forms for Chloe's school (I almost cried outside the building thinking of my big girl starting her first day of school) and then was off to Chloe's eye doctor appointment.

First off let me say that for any of the NJ crowd who is reading this - University Children's Eye Center is AMAZING!  Instead of the typical letter board (which of course most toddlers can't read to begin with), they have line drawings of fun shapes.  In addition, they flip off a light, flip a switch and a dancing/singing stuffed animal lights up in the distance to draw their attention.  It works SOO well and of course completely entertains them.  After an initial exam (during which I thought my kid was blind in one eye - she couldn't see ANYTHING with her bad eye), some eye drops and a second exam, we have officially confirmed that Chloe has strabismus (an eye turn sometimes called lazy eye but is really a wandering eye?!?!)

For the next six weeks (at least), we will have Chloe the pirate girl wearing an adhesive eye patch over her good eye in the hopes of strengthening her bad one.  After six weeks, we go back for a follow up where she might possibly get glasses to help continue to strengthen her eye.  At that appt., based on the findings we might have to continue with the eye patch (boo!), no longer wear the eye patch (yay!) or have more serious treatment (big BOO!).  We sign out and splurge on the fancy eye patches (hey if she has to wear the eye patch for two hours a day for a minimum of six weeks, who am I to say she can't have the stylish ones!).

Off to CVS we go because I am officially the worst mommy in the world and forgot sunglasses for my poor little kid whose eyes have been dilated to the extreme. While there, they are having a sale on Zhu Zhu pets (which trend we have managed to avoid thus far) and Jody decides to spoil Chloe with one as her reward for being so good at the doctor.  These things are crazy!  They make all kinds of different noises & move on their own (but keep them away from hair, as is warned in three different places).

After CVS, we head out to a farm with Chloe and two of her dance friends.  Unlimited pony rides, hay tunnels, bounce houses, tractor/hay rides, petting zoo and a climbable hay castle quickly had Chloe forgetting the pain of the eye drops and the drama of the eye doctor.  :)  (Thanks Emily and Rebecca for helping with that!)

Then home to eat dinner and play some more.  Becca came over so Chloe and Bec's Zhu Zhu's could have a playdate (LOL) and brought over the Zhu Zhu accessories.  They have this neat house that has different rooms - when the pet crawls through the tunnel leading to a room, it starts to play music or sounds that that reflect the room (ie dance music for a dance room, running water for a bathroom, etc).  For the Zhu Zhu virgin it was a neat thing to see!

Sorry no pics for today -we forgot our camera (mainly because we didn't intend to go to the farm that was just an added bonus)!  But our first ballet class of the year is up tomorrow as well as our first day of patching. Many pics to come! Have a great night all!

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