Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello my name is Nikki and I have been Facebook free for three days . . .

It is amazing how much you truly accomplish when you step away from an addiction LOL.  Seriously though, I have not been on Facebook (or rather Facebook games) for several days now.  Even though I have only been using Facebook on my iPod touch for quite awhile now (and usually while nursing), I have accomplished so much in the past days in my new Facebook free life.  I have finished two books, played with my kids, visited with friends, weeded the yard (and that is NO SMALL feat), washed the car, mowed the lawn and cleaned Chloe's outside toys.

Yesterday, however, I think I would have preferred to have been on FB.  Despite the drama of the previous week, we decided to brave the trek to my sister-in-law's house in Cornwall, NY (normally an hour and a half drive) with my iffy car for my beautiful niece's fourth birthday party.  WRONG decision.  Our GPS told us we should arrive by 2:15pm with the party starting at 2:30pm.  At about 2:00pm we were 7 miles from the exit, a little behind but not much.  At 3:30pm we were on the exit ramp . . . . . thank you labor day shoppers at an outlet mall!!!!  After finally arriving at the party at 4:00pm, Chloe ran to enjoy the birthday fun.  Although not her first ride on a horse, I think this is one of the first times she was as excited to ride the horse and hopefully will remember this time!

Chloe with the pony Hunter
So at 6 pm we headed home thinking the shoppers should have slowed down.  Wrong again!  Numerous calamities, traffic, potty breaks and one Belle feeding later, we arrived home at 10pm. We were however entertained on the ride home with Chloe's versions of knock knock jokes . . .Knock Knock . . . .Who's There . . . Cow go Moo . . .insert peals of giggles here. . . .Knock Knock. . . Who's There. . . .Cow Go Moo . . .. more giggles. . . Knock knock . . .you get the pattern?  Then Mommy says - Knock Knock . . .Chloe - "Who's There?" . . . .Mommy "No more. . . " Chloe "No more who" . . . .Mommy "No more Knock Knock Jokes!!!"  insert more giggles and then Chloe attempts to tell my joke!  We laughed the whole way home!

. . . Maybe you had to be there . . .

Oh well my outside work break is officially over so enjoy the pictures from the pony party and I will post soon!  If you want to see all the party pics (ie CHRISTINE LOL) go to

The birthday girl Erin with one
of my other beautiful nieces Kristin 

Belle with yet another of my nieces Caitlin - isn't she a cutie!

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