Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is this day over yet?

So it has been a fun twenty four hours in the Thompson household.  Yesterday evening, Chloe had her little buddy over to play.  As is with small toddlers, a loud crash was shortly followed by screaming.  I ran into Chloe's room to see Chloe crying and screaming on the ground while her friend hid in her cardboard castle.  I picked up Chloe, tried to calm her and friend simultaneously telling both it was only an accident and then carried my wailing child into the dining room to assess the injury.  Chloe's ankle had swollen to a quite a puffy size and had already begun to turn black and blue.  After a stint with her Rubber Ducky ice pack and rest, we decided it wasn't broken to allow her to stay and watch movies with her friend.  We planned on taking Chloe to her pediatrician this morning if all was not better.

Apparently, Chloe had other plans for us - after giving us a run for our money at bedtime, she finally fell asleep around 1:00am in our room.  She was transferred to her bed at 2 and we all went to bed expecting to be awakened two hours letter by Belle for her 4 am feeding.  We were awoken - but to yet another crash followed by more screaming.

Knocked out from the sedation for her cat-scan
Chloe had twisted around in her bed and promptly fallen out of the bed and hit her head on her foot stool normally located at her feet.  After some cuddles we told her she could sleep with Mommy and we began to get ready to sleep again.  While going to kiss Chloe on her forehead, Jody notice the giant knot on her forehead that upon further inspection, we decided it was off to the ER.

Several hours later, one sedation, one catscan and one ankle x-ray later, we left the hospital with instructions to keep Chloe awake and treat with tylenol for a headache and a baby ace bandage on her ankle with a bad sprain and possibility of something more (they think it may only be her growth plate but they saw something on the xray) and a follow up with her doctor in four days. Poor baby!

I have looked at the clock so many times today and have been shocked that it isn't midnight yet LOL.

Hard to see from this angle but the knot with the bruising

Oh well . . . we were supposed to head to NY for our niece Erin's fourth birthday tomorrow but I think we are definitely on a wait and see - between this long day and our car acting up I don't think we are quite ready to tempt fate again!  So far it is a labor day weekend to remember. . . 

Hope everyone else is having a good one!

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