Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well sh#%!

So now that my wonderful, adorable, precocious toddler has turned three and a half, she has truly started to mimic the adults in her life.  In Chloe's case that not only include Mommy and Momma but Gah (for those of you who don't know Gah is what Chloe calls my dad.  It started out because she couldn't say Grandpa and shortened it to Gah; however a couple of weeks ago when she attempted to say Grandpa, my dad nearly cried and said "No I'm Gah . . remember I'm Gah . . anyway I digress) and Greg as well.

Now, not to say I am perfect (although we all know I really am *snort*), I have cursed VERY FEW times in front of my girls.  I just kind of go into automatic mode around little kids, I have since I started coaching little kids and babysitting.  Jody is pretty decent but when she slips up . . .she really slips up.  The lovely two men in my life are not near as good.

Greg has apparently not learned his lessons with what toddlers will remember since he thought it was too funny to teach my toddler that we "Don't talk to boys with tattoos!".  When I pointed out to him that he had tattoos, Greg looks at me with a very serious look and just says "Exactly!"  LOL  A few weeks later, Chloe repeats back to us randomly in the car "Mommy, we don't talk to boys with tattoos!".  THANKS GREGORY!

So we are driving in our car on our way home from Chloe's doctor appointment yesterday when Chloe says "Mommies, is terrible a bad word . . .should I not say terrible . . ?"  Jody and I share a look of confusion and then tell her it means something bad but she is allowed to say it.  Chloe then says "Ok, so I can say terrible but I can't say sh&%?"  I share an appalled look with Jody and then tell her "No, you can't say that word, it is bad."  Chloe "Ok Mommy, so sh&% is a bad word. I can't say sh%&."  Jody bursts into laughter and I shoot her an evil look.  Now Chloe thinks it is funny and proceeds to continue to say "I can't say sh%& because it is a bad word!" giggle giggle giggle.   Thanks Jody!!!  What in the world do you say or do with that?!?!?

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